For small business owners looking to gain through local advertising, Google has launched an adwords express few years back. To make this program more users friendly, Google adwords express team keep including new features. If you are a small business and want advertise through Google adwords, this tool can be your best companion. This new addition comes in as a result of many small business owners avoiding the use of the traditional Adwords due to its complexity. The new Adwords Express is simple to set up and can be hosted quickly to enjoy the benefits of online advertising. The tool doesn’t require daily review and management and as such caters to the limited resources of a small business or start up.
Google adwords express is the best tool if you want to advertise your business locally. You can easily promote your brand, services with easy to use features available in Adwords express described below.
Features of Google Adwords Express:
- Local business: This feature has been integrated to work with Google Places wherein your advertisement will pop up in any search query made within targeted region of your store.
- Google Places: If you own a physical store and do not own a website, don’t worry. Local businesses don’t necessarily need a website to use Google adwords express. The traffic from the SERPs is guided to the Google+ business page. Alternatively, you also have the option to link your website to the Google Adwords Express account.
- Automatic Keywording: Google automatically assigns the top keywords associated with the business category. If you are engaged in more than one business you can also have more number of ads.
- Map Search: Advertisements get synced with Google Maps making it easier for customers to reach out to you. Your customer can easily locate your business with the help of map search and can use guided navigation to reach your business without hassle.
- Search PPC: Similar to regular Google Adwords, advertisements through Adwords Express too show up in SERPs but you pay just for the clicks.
- Mobile Search: Advertisement shows up in SERPs regardless of the device; laptop, smart phones, tablets or any other device. You prospect can see your advertisement with your mobile numbers and can directly call you from there. It will increase the opportunity to improve the call-to-conversion of your advertisement.
- Coupons: Google Adwords Express allows you to promote coupons in your Google Places Page. You can easily promote different offers, coupons and discount to your target audiences with the help of this feature.
- Full Ad: The Google Adwords Express advertisements will include all necessary details including ad headline and contact information like business address, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses and a blue map that helps pin the ad on Google Map.
Adwords express the best product for small local businesses or first time advertisers who never tried Google adwords before. It offers some unique easy to use features that don’t require daily monitoring and management. Here are some unique advantages of Adwords express for small businesses.

Advantages of Google Adwords Express for Small Businesses:
- Ad campaign is set up and automatically managed by Google, and there is little customization that you need to do. Does not require expertise in Google adwords. If you are first time adwords users and doesn’t know how it works; adwords express will help you to try paid advertisement opportunity without hiring an online marketing agency.
- Deploying Google Adwords Express can be immediately followed by serving advertisements to all potential customers.
- Small businesses don’t necessarily need a website to drive in traffic. If you are having physical store, you need to create Google local business listing and the audience will be guided to the relevant Google Places Page from an advertisement.
- The monthly budget is highly flexible and can be changed whenever deemed necessary. You can keep them as per your requirement and can increase or decrease depending upon ROI you are generating.
- Google automatically takes up the responsibility to serve ads in the local market, such that the ones who click are true potential buyers. Based on information you provides, adwords express will manage the advertisement display.
Google Adwords Express is really fast and simple way to promote your local business and brand in the internet. True that Adwords Express doesn’t come with all the features one would find with Google Adwords, the ones that do exist serve all the needs of a small business. Also, businesses can choose to switch from the Google Adwords Express version to the more powerful Google Adwords version whenever they want.
Major difference between Google Adwords & Adwords Express:
Adwords express is the easy to go product for the small businesses and first time adwords advertiser. You don’t require a website and Google will automatically show your ads in Google search, Google maps and their partner website. You will not require managing campaign as it will be automatically optimized by Google adwords express. There are limited features available for small businesses and you will have to use Google adwords to use all those advance features.
Adwords is the best tool for businesses who want to promote their products or services beyond local targeting. You can advertise nationally and internationally by selecting specific keywords, advertisement and location. You will have all advance features in which you can create multiple adgourps with your own keywords and advertisement. You can get detailed report and will have other advance tools to manage your campaign. If you have an eCommerce website and want to advertise your products, you can use Google shopping campaign by integrating your merchant feed with Google adwords.
If you are a small local business and want to manage your adwords advertising in-house, adwords express is the best tool for you. For other businesses that need to expand the reach with advance targeting should definitely go for Google adwords. You can always get expert advice and solution from Google adwords partner like us.
Should you have any query or need assistance in setting up Google adwords express or adwords campaign, do write us. Our representative will get back to you within 24 hours.
Image: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jamesbondsv/
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